1st Parking USA is a full service Valet Parking Company headquartered in Miami, Florida. Our company was founded based upon the simple philosophy of total commitment to the success of our clients' valet parking operations.
We have earned a reputation amongst our patrons and peers as a company that is truly concerned with our client's needs. Our company offers the facilitation and management of all aspects of valet parking operations. 1st Parking USA has achieved success by partnering with Property owners, Hospitality Managment and Condo Associations by following a consistent plan to steadily grow the base of its assets and meeting the demands of its client's various needs.
At 1st Parking USA we take pride in providing distinguished personalized service while producing and maintaining some of the highest levels of profitability for our clients and their locations.
Great people truly make a difference. Our recruitment, screening and hiring processes ensure our clients are served by only the very best. Our industry-leading learning process, development, and passion inspires our associates to expand their service, business and operational knowledge. Providing them the opportunities to grow, learn, and prosper keeps them satisfied and ready to serve your customers.
Delivering unparalleled service to surpass client expectations requires focus, the right company culture, and resources designed to drive performance standards and procedure results. Our pursuit for service perfection is measured through Internal Evaluations.
Superior Customer Service has become a rare commodity in our industry. At 1st Parking USA we answer our phones, we provide site visits, we work within our client's budget and we genuinely care about our clients. Simply contact us to experience the professionalism and hands-on attention you can only get from 1st Parking USA.